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The New Fall Addition... Cardamom Spice, aromatic and floral !

Cardamom which is indigenous to India, today much of it is commercially grown in Central America. Our cardamom, also called cardamum, comes to us from Tamil Nadu in India, which produces the world's best cardamom. This spice which is traditionally used in savory dishes like curries and in Middle Eastern Desserts. For it has a pungent yet elusive flavor, resinous and dark with hints of eucalyptus is also a crucial ingredient in classic Scandinavian baked goods.

I just recently started adding Cardamom to Spice based baked goods. With it's pungent, spicy sparkle, Cardamom is Cinnamon taken up a notch. Cardamom a member of the ginger family can certainly stand alone or with added ginger, nutmeg and cloves. I added it with cinnamon spiced recipes and without. I recommend you give this delicious spice a try this Holiday Season. You may have discovered along with me a new addition to all the tradition!


Cardamom, Cloves, Nutmeg and Cinnamon photography by Stephanie Tonini



Lattice Baked Granny Smith Apples photography by Stephanie Tonini



Cardamom Whiskyed Pumpkin Pie photography by Stephanie Tonini



Happy Thanksgiving !

Recipe's available at

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